Citi Alumni Network

Boomerang Employee - Zoe W.

My custom image Zoe W.
Location: London, United Kingdom
Business Function: Risk 

Where and when did you work for Citi initially? 

I first joined Citi in 2013 to head up the EMEA Institutional Remedial Management (IRM) Risk team in London.    

Why did you decide to leave Citi?

I left in 2018. I was approached for an opportunity to work with a Chief Risk Officer I had worked for previously in my career and I decided to go for it.     

What made you return to Citi?

In May 2020, Citi’s Chief Risk Officer contacted me to see if I would be interested in returning to Citi. There was a lot that was changing in the Risk organization, with reinvestment in both people and infrastructure. I had worked with him before and was excited by his vision for the transformation of our Risk function, so knew I wanted to return.    

What did you learn at Citi that helped you in your life and/or career?

I have learned so much from a technical perspective but also professionally and personally! My roles have enabled me to develop my knowledge and experience, but also my leadership skills. In leaving Citi and then returning, I learned a lot about myself including what motivates me, and how important it is to be adaptable and true to your principles.    

What advice would you give to Citi alumni interested in returning?

When I first came back, a senior leader said to me “welcome home” and I honestly felt how true that was, it really did feel like coming home. My advice for someone who is thinking of returning is that it’s not about going backwards, but about moving forward in your career at a great organization, with great people, and one of the strongest cultures.    

What is the one thing that makes/made you feel welcome when you walk/walked through the door every day?

The people!    

If you had to describe your life at Citi in a few words, they would be…

Interesting, collaborative, challenging, and rewarding.    

Tell us about work/life balance at Citi.

To some extent, it is what you make of it. I don’t like the phrase “work/life balance” as it makes me think of a seesaw where it is hard to be perfectly balanced. I prefer to think of life as a pie with different sized slices for work, family, friends, health, relaxation, etc. At different times in our lives, we may need to change the size of a slice, but it is always important to have a slice for “self”. Remembering this, helps to achieve a better quality of life for oneself.  

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