Citi Alumni Network

Boomerang Employee - Andres B.

My custom image Andres B.
Location: Quito, Ecuador 
Business Function: TTS Operations and Global Management     

Where and when did you work for Citi initially? 

Ecuador, 1999.    

What made you return to Citi?

Citi´s culture, Citi´s team, and Citi´s globality.    

How did it feel to return to Citi that first day? What had changed? What hadn’t? 

It was a more challenging job than the one I first had at Citi. I felt the support of the people and the team.    

If you had to describe your life at Citi in a few words, they would be…

Being at Citi is like being home.    

What do you enjoy most about working at Citi?

Citi´s team. Always great professionals, always working as a team.    

What makes you proud to work at Citi?

Citi’s culture.    

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