Citi Alumni Network

Boomerang Employee - Laurie F.

My custom image Laurie F.
Location: Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States 
Business Function: Core Application Development Global   

Where and when did you work for Citi initially?

From 1985 to 2019. I started as a Programmer Analyst and then I was promoted to an Application Development Senior Manager.     

Why did you decide to leave Citi?

My position was eliminated in 2019.    

What made you return to Citi?

I was approached by Citi regarding a new role as a Data Custodian Lead. It was not an easy decision. By this time, it was about a year and a half after I had left and I was content where I was. But I also knew how much I missed my Citi family after being there for 35 years. So, after much thought, I chose to return and I’ve been very happy. I work with a great group of professionals and some days it feels like I never left.      

What did you learn at Citi that helped you in your life and/or career?

I have learned that nothing is impossible if you are determined enough to see things through. Being organized, paying attention to detail, and being a planner were all useful skill sets I needed to grow in my Citi career. It helps to be able to work with others who want you to see you succeed.  The opportunities I have had at Citi are endless, both in my career, and in being able to represent Citi in the community.     

What advice would you give to Citi alumni interested in returning?

Take that chance, I know I’m glad that I did.     

How did it feel to return to Citi that first day? What had changed? What hadn’t?

It was nice to see the building and to see coworkers I hadn’t seen in 2+ years - they were what I missed the most.    

If you had to describe your life at Citi in a few words, they would be…

Challenging, fulfilling, surrounded by “family.”     

What do you enjoy most about working at Citi?

I like being challenged beyond what I think I could do and then being able to help others with what I learned.      

What makes you proud to work at Citi?

Their reputation of volunteering/supporting our community, the diversity in people, and the acceptance they have for each of us as individuals.   

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