Citi Alumni Network

Boomerang Employee - Corina M.

My custom image Corina M.
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Business Function: Internal Audit Quality Assurance 

Where and when did you work for Citi initially?

I joined Citi Colombia in 2014. 

What made you return to Citi?

The Citi culture. Nobody looks for shortcuts and everybody anticipates change.  

What did you learn at Citi that helped you in your life and/or career?

To be resilient, patient, and to care about people even if they’re miles away. 

What advice would you give to Citi alumni interested in returning?

Things may have changed when you return, but you’ll feel that is the best place to be. 

How did it feel to return to Citi that first day? What had changed? What hadn’t?

I joined the same team that I was part of when I left. Although it had changed, the new team was very welcoming. 

What do you enjoy most about working at Citi?

Our global network of colleagues and clients 

What makes you proud to work at Citi?

It’s an engine that moves and changes the way finance does business. 

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