Citi Alumni Network

Boomerang Employee - Andres F.

My custom image Andres F.
Location: Quito, Ecuador
Business Function: 
Sales & Trading Program

Where and when did you work for Citi initially?

Bogota, Colombia in 2019. 

What made you return to Citi?

After finishing my internship, I had always wanted to return to Citi. I identified with the work environment, quality of work, colleagues. I am also very interested in the on the products that the Treasury team manages. 

What did you learn at Citi that helped you in your life and/or career?

It shaped me to be a better decision-maker. 

What advice would you give to Citi alumni interested in returning?

Without a doubt, it is the best decision I have made in my working life. 

If you had to describe your life at Citi in a few words, they would be…

A totally enriching experience both professionally and personally. 

What do you enjoy most about working at Citi?

The conversations with our clients and being able to identify risks within their operations. 

What makes you proud to work at Citi?

Working in one of the largest financial institutions in the world. 

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